Saturday, 2 January 2016 plans for 2016!


First of all I would like to apologise for not posting anything on this blog for MONTHS! Lots of things happened towards the end of last year which made my work soar through the roof and unfortunately not leaving me with much spare time =[ 

But that was last year so let's forget about that!

The start of a new year always forces us to think about the things we would like to do differently the following year, what we are going to do to make the next year better than the previous one and a stream of New Years Resolutions that we all know that we aren't going to keep. 

Now, I am no different to everyone else. I have a few plans & goals for what I WILL attempt to achieve in 2016 and I thought I'd share them with you because that's what we do, right? 

Goal 1 - Become a certified Beginners + Intermediate Aerial Hoop Instructor 

I've been doing Aerial Hoop for about a year now and I LOVE it! Since I am already an Aerial Yoga Instructor and I love teaching others, it only makes sense for me to train in this! Also I enjoy flying around and doing cool stuff ;P

Goal 2 - Set up my own business and get it off the ground

This goal actually began in the Summer of 2015 but 2016 will see the launch of my own business aaaaaand my relocation to a completely new location. Extremely exciting but rather scary stuff. However, I do believe that stepping out of your comfort zone every once in a while, is very good for you. 

Goal 3 - Work Out Daily 

Now I know a lot of people will read this and say 'Steph, you already work out daily' because my job as a dancer, yoga instructor etc... is already physical. You are not wrong my friends but I would like to do some work outs for me. Even though I love teaching my classes and they do class as a workout, it's not quite the same as doing a workout for yourself. Any of you who also teach, will know what I'm getting at. 

I'm happy to say that I started this on Boxing day and it's going really well. I downloaded the Sweat with Kayla app after reading about Kayla in the Women's Health magazine. (I won't talk about who Kayla is and what she does but if you want to find out more, click here.) The app contains different workouts for each week and you have a choice of 4 options: Resistance, Liss, Rehabilitation & Rest. During each week you will complete 3 resistance workouts (legs, abs and arms), 3 Liss workouts (walking, cycling etc..), 2 rehabilitation days (stretching and using a foam roller) and 1 rest day.   

The are also some really useful features in the app such as educational information about workouts, nutrition & meal tips, detailed ideas for what to eat each day and a way for you to track you progress. 


Goal 4 - Gain more skills and learn more

This goal links into goal 1 & 2 but I really want to keep learning new things throughout 2016. I strongly believe that striving to better myself as a teacher/performer/person is really important. I am looking to learn about anything and everything. If you have any ideas for what I could learn about, leave me a comment and I'll definitely check it out. 

I think that's enough to keep me busy in 2016, don't you? 

I'd be really interested in hearing about your plans for 2016 so please do share them with me. 

Big loves x

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